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"The Cunning Little Vixen", The Banff Centre, 2009

Detail of textured and painted foam rocks

Painted cart

"The Tragedy of Carmen", The Banff Centre, 2009

Detail of painted worn travertine marble finish

Textured and painted campfire

"Little Women",Calgary Opera Company, 2009

Filled, sanded and painted arches, windows, walls and flooring

Railing painted with spray gun and scumbling

"The Marriage of Figaro" refurbishment of the flooring, The Banff Centre, 2009

A practice set, The Banff Centre, 2009

Faux wallpaper and wood flooring painted with mop
Detail of faux mahogany paint treatment

"Dr. Cook's Garden", Theatre Aurora, 2006

Faux marble paint treatment on fireplace base

"Sick Kids" mural, painted with William Lazos, Toronto, 55' X 110', 2005

"Ipod" mural, painted with William Lazos, Toronto, 16' X 28', 2006

One of A Kind Show, Toronto, 2008

Totem pole, carved from foam, 2003

Plaster body cast from alginate mould, 2003